Overbed Tables

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Overbed Tables

An overbed table is ideal for residents confined to bed or chair for long periods of time due to illness, immobility or disability. Making eating and drinking easier and read more comfortably and safely while in bed or in a chair.

Overbed tables are narrow rectangular tables on castors, constantly used in the resident’s bedroom. Designed specially for residents in care and patients in hospital. It spans the bed or chair width and is fitted with a lever or wheel for adjusting the height.

Height-adjustable and easy to move, overbed tables provide a just-right surface at the bedside or anywhere within the resident room. Supporting communication, collaboration and a host of tasks and activities.

Enjoy Meals in Comfort using an Over Bed Table

To eat comfortably in your chair or while reclining, use an over bed table. Renray Direct tables are made of strong materials, ensuring that they support the weight of a meal or drink plus other items. Designed for one person to use as a dining table. Also, the flat surface is suitable for activities like reading, writing, drawing or games. You can use it to sort out your personal items and much more.

Easily moved, because the castors glide across the floor and don’t get stuck in carpet. Effortlessly push them between areas. e next. Wipeable and easy to clean too.